Ruby Science


Comments can be used appropriately to introduce classes and provide documentation. But used incorrectly, they mask readability and process problems by further obfuscating already unreadable code.


  • Comments within method bodies.
  • More than one comment per method.
  • Comments that restate the method name in English.
  • Todo comments.
  • Commented out, dead code.


# app/models/open_question.rb
def summary
  # Text for each answer in order as a comma-separated string
  answers.order().pluck().join(', ')

This comment is trying to explain what the following line of code does because the code itself is too hard to understand. A better solution would be to improve the legibility of the code.

Some comments add no value at all and can safely be removed:

class Invitation
  # Deliver the invitation
  def deliver
    Mailer.invitation_notification(self, message).deliver

If there isn’t a useful explanation to provide for a method or class beyond the name, don’t leave a comment.


  • Introduce explaining variable to make obfuscated lines easier to read in pieces.
  • Extract method to break up methods that are difficult to read.
  • Move todo comments into a task management system.
  • Delete commented out code and rely on version control in the event that you want to get it back.
  • Delete superfluous comments that don’t add more value than the method or class name.

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